The Lisa Barry Show

I want to be your BFF! Hi! I'm Lisa Barry and this is where I'll share highlights from The Lisa Barry Show. The show is Real, Encouraging and Fun. From relatable life observations, to wrestling with some element of faith, I want this to be a place where you feel welcome, seen, and ready to ponder deeper things.
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Embracing Imperfection, the Beauty of Failure and Zip Lock Bags to Catch a Thief
Monday, February 12, 2024
Discover how embracing the unexpected twists and turns of life can lead to growth, and why sometimes, the best way forward involves a step back.
Bono is Embarrassed about U2, Lip Gloss Mix-ups and the Joy of Perspective Flipping
Monday, February 5, 2024
Ever mixed up your lip gloss with your concealer? I, Lisa Barry, certainly have, and it's just one of the many delightful missteps I'll be sharing to show you how life's little blunders can actually be blessings in disguise.
The Power of Music in God's Hands and Embracing Your True Self
Monday, January 29, 2024
Ever found yourself laughing through tears or inspired by a tune that seemed to speak directly to your soul? I'm Lisa Barry, inviting you on a journey through laughter, personal transformation, and the stirring connections we find in faith and music.
Marriage Stages: Romance then Misery? The worst thing to say to a single person.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Singles Day....and the worst thing you can say to a single person! Someone said the stages of marriage are 1. Romance and 2. Misery. What???? Wanna learn a new habit, here's the best way! Why you might be depressed. And why your dog stares at you
Matthew Perry's Prayer, Should Lori Laughlin Be Forgiven? The Best Breakfast.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Matthew Perry prayed 2 prayers. One he regretted, and one he didn't. Somebody forgave Lori Laughlin and gave her a second chance. Find out who. I've got the best breakfast sandwich recipe for you! The habits of parents with a child genius!
Another Tragedy: God Takes Another Hit, Crash Landings, Is God Disappointed With Me?
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Tragedies get harder and harder to explain from a Christian perspective. And do you ever wonder if God's disappointed with you? It's a real thing! We'll talk about it. Plus, what Suzanne Somers did that helped all of us. Ok, that's only a tiny part o
Hope for you if your life is hard, Your 83 year-old role model today, Do you call radio shows?
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
If you've ever wondered why some people have such a hard life, and others seem to skip through with the greatest of ease, I've got hope for you if your life is hard. If you're looking for a role model, take a look at this 83 year old! And here's proof
Let's Be Brave! Losing Streaks, Consistency 101, If You Knew a Yes Was Coming
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
On today's Podcast you'll find a lot of encouragement! Especially if you feel too scared to start something new, or if you've had so many setbacks you don't think you'll ever snap your losing streak, and a picture I'd like you to burn into your mind that
Taylor Swift should bring you hope, When a Pastor Insulted me, Hope for the People Pleaser
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Here are a few highlights from the show this week. Including Taylor Swift (the surprising good news for you, what a pastor said that insulted me, hope if you're a people pleaser, presidential debates, and what happened to the boy who a teacher told woul
When you don't feel appreciated. Jesus said, "are you ready to come home?"
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Listen to some highlights of The Lisa Barry Show this week.
God has a unique way of helping us get control over our words. It's genius!
Thursday, September 21, 2023
The Bible says getting control over the tongue is one of the hardest things to do. But God, in his kindness, has given us a brilliant tool in the fight.
The 3 criteria I used to help me decide who to marry.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
We've all had lists of qualities we want in a mate. Once up on a time, my list had things like, 'must have swoopy bangs' and 'must love rom coms'. But once I grew up and my values changed, I came up with new criteria. See what you think.
The day I thought tap dancing was a good way to take off baby weight.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Taking off baby weight is a chore. And if you're not a huge fan of traditional exercise, you might try something tap dancing. It sounded fun. I saw videos of people looking cool doing it, so I tried it. Hear how that turned out.
After 3 fruitless years of seeking answers for her son's pain, AI has the answer.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Some say AI will cure hundreds of diseases on it's own. There's one mom who believes that.
How to respond to someone who's arguing with you about faith.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
When someone on Facebook told me I was a fool to believe Christianity, I was tempted to start responding to every comment and link he sent. That's what I would have done years ago, but God showed me a much better way.
How Sarah Young went from believing there is no God to writing Jesus Calling.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sarah Young abandoned her faith in college because professors convinced her that life is random and meaningless. She was depressed but then found the writings of Francis Schaeffer. That changed everything.
The unnerving thing about 9/11 was that no one was ready. Let's Get Ready.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
The events of September 11, 2001 caught everyone by surprise. No one was prepared for something like that. Someday another tragedy is going to happen and while we don't know what or where, we can be ready from an eternal perspective.
Why staring off into space is a good thing!
Thursday, September 21, 2023
When you catch yourself staring off into space, you probably chastised yourself for time-wasting. Next time, pat yourself on the back!
Hope For Today
For we live by faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7
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