Calvary's Love Church

Phone Number: 413-733-5300
Address: 19 Oakland Street , Springfield, 01108

Calvary’s Love is a multi-cultural, bilingual (Spanish and English) church in Springfield, Massachusetts with a heart for the city, the region, the nation and the world. Our purpose is to reach a lost and hurting world through the love of Christ. Visit us on Sunday's at 11am. 

Hope For Today

  • 02-22-25

    The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Recently Played

  • 12:49pm

    The King Is In The Room

    Phil Wickham
  • 12:46pm

    Good Day

    Forrest Frank
  • 12:42pm

    That's Who I Praise

    Brandon Lake

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