School Vacation, Critter Crossing - Springfield, MA

Runs until Friday, February 21, 2025 (See all dates)

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Springfield Science Museum, Springfield, MA , MA, 01103
See Website for details

Celebrate the opening of our new live animal center, Living Waters: From Oceans to Valleys. Free with museum admission.

Today Only!

Author Book Fair, 11 am-2 pm
Local Authors Book Fair in partnership with Olive Tree Books-n-Voices, a Black, woman-owned bookstore right here in Springfield. Science Workshop, Second Floor, Springfield Science Museum

Ongoing Activities

Special Exhibition: The Robot Zoo, 10 am-5 pm
Explore the biomechanics of complex animal robots to discover how real animals work. Second Floor, Springfield Science Museum

Stamp Rally, 11 am-3 pm
Search the galleries for our friendly volunteers to collect one stamp from each of our museums. Collect 3 stamps for a prize.

Wild Flower Build, 11 am-3 pm
Create your own flower using the science of genetics. Mammal Hall, First Floor, Springfield Science Museum

Village Design, 11 am-3 pm
Contribute elements of your own design to our collaborative “village,” using recycled and craft materials. Discovery Lab, Lower Level, Springfield Science Museum

Fishing Challenge, 11 am-3 pm
Catch “fish” from our pool and learn about the fish in our area! Lower Level, Springfield Science Museum

Critter Creation, 12-4 pm
Create your own cute critter friend. Art Discovery Center, Second Floor, GWV Smith Art Museum

Spot the Difference, 11 am-3 pm
Can you spot the difference between the original artwork and the fake? Blake Court, First Floor, D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts

More Information (The Q 99.7 - WLCQ is not responsible for external websites)


Springfield Science Museum
21 Edwards Street
Springfield, MA , MA

More details for this venue


The event runs from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on the following dates.
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