Community Outreach

  • Christina's House

    Christina’s House is a Christ centered ministry developed to meet the needs of women and their children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Hampden County. Their mission is to educate, embrace and encourage women and their children who are homeless or near homeless through the love of Jesus Christ. Their vision is to provide the selected mothers and their children with life skills needed to become self-sufficient as they transition from homelessness to permanent and stable environments.

    Contact: Carolyn Martinez
    Address: 38 Madison Ave · Springfield · MA · 01105
    Phone: 413-271-2105

  • Clearway Friends

    At Clearway Friends, we believe that every life is precious, and every life is worth fighting for. For twenty years, Clearway has passionately served women and their families facing unplanned pregnancy, helping them to navigate a life affirming decision. And we’re now celebrating one thousand babies who have been saved through our services! There’s a new Clearway location right here in Springfield, and you can support this life changing organization that’s transforming families and impacting generations.

    Springfield Office
    1259 E. Columbus Ave.
    Springfield, MA 01105

    Worcester Office
    358 Shrewsbury Street
    Worcester, MA 01609

  • InterVarsity Greater Springfield

    Are you a college student looking for Christian community? Check out InterVaristy Greater Springfield! You’re welcome to connect with our on-campus groups at 8 area colleges or drop by Encounter nights the last Monday of each month. Encounter Nights are for young adults 18-25 and include free pizza, community, and a place to Encounter God and Encounter Community! You’ll hear stories of God working in the lives of individuals, on college campuses, and in our city. InterVarsity Greater Springfield is a community seeking to love God and our neighbors; making His name known on college campuses and in our city. Currently, we serve and work in 8 area college campuses including AIC, STCC, HCC, Elms, Baypath, WNEU, WSU, and Springfield College.

    Jessica Pafumi
    Area Director: Greater Springfield MA
    Discipleship & Leadership: Resource Specialist

  • Mission Pioneer Valley

    Mission Pioneer Valley was started in the early 1990's with the purpose of unifying the church by bringing pastors together for prayer. Currently, MPV meets on the last Thursday of every month for lunch, relationship building, and a time of focused prayer. The mission is still the same...unifying the church! More recently, MPV has begun to host Trust Jesus Unity Services throughout the Greater Springfield area to bring the church together for a time of worship and prayer with the goal of revival and evangelism.

  • Springfield Pregnancy Care Center

    The Springfield Pregnancy Care Center is celebrating over 38 years of life affirming ministry. Since 1985, their sole mission has been to assist women and men with the challenges involved in an unplanned pregnancy. They're here to answer your questions with accurate information, explain your options, and offer caritative support to mothers who have chosen life. All services are free and confidential, because sometimes, you just need someone to talk to. We're available to help you on Mon, Wed, Fri 1pm-3pm and Tues evenings 6:30pm-8pm

    704 Sumner Avenue
    Springfield, MA 01108

  • Springfield Rescue Mission

    Since 1892, The Springfield Rescue Mission has been meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the hungry, homeless, addicted, and poor by introducing them to Christ and helping them apply the Word of God to every area of their lives. Homelessness is a 24/7, 365 days a year problem that the Rescue Mission meets through their various programs that provide outreach, shelter, clothing, feeding, and rehabilitation to our homeless friends and neighbors in need.

    Address: 10 Mill St, PO Box 9045
    Springfield, MA 01102
    Phone: (413) 732-0808


Hope For Today

  • 03-12-25

    May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. Numbers 6:24-26

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